5 thoughts on “Statement

  1. Mistress Tissa, you have my utmost respect and appreciation. This goes well beyond our one-on-one interactions. I’m referring to your outlook, your voice, and your active contributions to this world.

  2. This is so moving, Mistress. It’s very evident that You’ve stood by this commitment for eight years since, even as the times seem to become even more oppressive, though the last few weeks have started to offer a ray of hope, beginning, coincidentally (!), on the day i first sessioned with you.

    It’s one more quality among so many which make You truly fabulous !

    • Thanks for your kind words, slave mb! This statement came on right after the passage of FOSTA/SESTA, which, as we now have seen, was just as many of us intimately familiar with sex work had predicted: hurt more than it helped.

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