Please Buy This: These Are Supposed To Go In Your Ass
While they are now sadly “unavailable” they were once for sale. And people bought them.
I actually got one of these in with something I bought, like a free gift.
I can tell you I would never … continue reading “Please Buy This: These Are Supposed To Go In Your Ass”
Doing It Right
So I made this a proper membership site. This means that instead of me having to do fiddly admin stuff and ask people to do annoying things to view posts, now you just have to log in and the system … continue reading “Doing It Right”
Missing Emails?
There appears to have been a possible glitch when my site was migrated that may have unsubscribed people from email notifications.
If you have not received a notification when you should have you may just need to resubscribe. (This is … continue reading “Missing Emails?”