Doing It Right
So I made this a proper membership site. This means that instead of me having to do fiddly admin stuff and ask people to do annoying things to view posts, now you just have to log in and the system … continue reading “Doing It Right”
So I made this a proper membership site. This means that instead of me having to do fiddly admin stuff and ask people to do annoying things to view posts, now you just have to log in and the system … continue reading “Doing It Right”
There appears to have been a possible glitch when my site was migrated that may have unsubscribed people from email notifications.
If you have not received a notification when you should have you may just need to resubscribe. (This is … continue reading “Missing Emails?”
As some of you noticed, my blog has been down for the past day.
I was doing the last bit of “fixing” on it: I moved it to its own domain. This required me doing a variety of things behind … continue reading “BDSMlog Is Back Up”
Folx, I really fixed the issue with people not receiving their confirmation emails when they try to register for my blog.
The two mail hosts who I can confirm have been blocking me are Gmail and Yahoo. There may be … continue reading “For Real This Time”
There is a new BDSM/kink club in Philadelphia, SNS Dungeon. (SNS stands for “Saints and Sinners”, the old name of the venue.)
In order to attend events there, you must first become a member. This is due to the … continue reading “New BDSM Club in Philadelphia”
There are 3 options with my blog:
This is an email list that notifies subscribers when I post. An email … continue reading “BDSMlog Subscriptions and Registrations”
I have two lists you can subscribe to:
If it’s not obvious, this is not me. For one, I speak better English.
While the photo I can see is not mine, they are implying they are doing the same kind of thing as me, BDSM, which could … continue reading “Heads up: Someone Using My Name on TikTok (Updated)”