Please try to register and comment

Please create an account if you don’t have one. It’s very easy and painless. Either do it here (I think the link is in the upper right – says “log in”), or go to and do it. Then come back here and try to leave a comment.

I have ONE person helping me with this. Why is it so hard to get a little help around here? I need more than one person so I know the problem they’re having with commenting is just them or if it’s everyone.

If you have my email, please send me an email to let me know what happened for you. Obviously, if you are able to leave a comment you don’t have to send an email. That will be confirmation enough.

Thank you!

13 thoughts on “Please try to register and comment

  1. Hello Mistress Tissa,

    I too just registered and am now commenting. I will say it work fine on my phone but on my iPad it didn’t work because the login process did not bring up the keyboard, so there was no way to type. Seems like a glitch either in my iPad or WordPress software.

    • slave 70,


      I initially thought people could use their accounts, but upon further reflection that kind of doesn’t make sense since this is and it’s not affiliated with WordPress (i.e. not on their servers); it’s just their software.

      Providing that link is very helpful. I have tried both and and it sounds like ( works, too.

      This has been a total headache but I’m determined to figure it out once and for all.

      Thank you!

  2. Mistress, I’m up and running on your blog. I created a name and different email and resigned up on wordpress. Everything is good now so I hope to see some more comments.

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